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Thursday, November 29, 2012


Acne management 

It takes approximately 3 weeks for a clogged pore in your skin to actually become a pimple/whitehead and make its way up to your face. When you start using these glycolic acid products you need to remember to give your skin time to rid itself of the clogged pores that have already formed under your skin. This may take up to 3 weeks.

 After the clogged pores have made their way out you will see a remarkable difference in the clarity of your skin! The glycolic acid will help to keep your pores clear so the process doesn’t keep repeating itself.

 Treat acne the professional way! Virtually every case of acne can be resolved. The key to getting rid of acne lesions and preventing new ones from forming lies in knowing that:  Resolving the condition takes time.  What works for one person may not work for another.  

Skin specialist’s help may be required. Resolving the condition takes time. Treatments that promise fast, miraculous or overnight results are not realistic. 

The simple fact is that acne seeing on your face, is not the only acne to be treated! There are many layers of skin below your stratum corneum (or outermost layer), and new clogs are forming every day. That is why the initial period of improvement takes so long.

On average, 6-8 weeks are needed to see initial results. Once acne significantly improves or clears, continued treatment is needed to keep acne from re-appearing. If acne does not improve in 6-8 weeks, treatment may need to be adjusted as not every acne treatment clears every case of acne. What works for one person may not work for another. 

What is an appropriate treatment for one person may not clear another is acne because many factors afeect resolution, including the causes of the acne, a persons skin type and the kind of acne lesions present. Blackheads and white heads can be treated fairly easily with salicylic acid and exfoliating type treatments .

salipeel or sali+mandelic peels i use for preventing clog formation, so this stops formation of new pimples.
every week or once in 2 weeks we need to do salycilic peel,  i charge Rs.500 per each sitting, which is the lowest price.

for any quiries or appointment reach me, call, sms, whatsapp me on my cell 9885260168


Maintaining healthy skin is the key to looking and feeling good about ones self.   
Post inflammatory hyper pigmentation (the darkening of skin) may occur after an injury such as a cut, scrape, or burn, or after certain skin disorders such as acne or eczema. It is seen in all skin types but is more common and noticeable in darker skin.
Early treatment of the underlying problem can help prevent development of dark spots. Darkened areas of skin may take many months or years to fade, although medication may help. AHA, lactic acid peel, glycolic peel, TCA peel, salicylic peel, microdermabrasion, and bleaching medication prescribed by a dermatologist may fade pigment more rapidly.

Avoid picking, harsh scrubbing, and abrasive treatments unless prescribed by a dermatologist. Glycolic acid peels and products have been widely used by skin care specialists for many years because of their anti-aging properties.
The positive effects on acne prone skin and acne scaring have also been well documented.
 Skin peeling will accelerate the removal of dead skin, increase collagen, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, and hyper pigmentation.
 Along with reducing the appearance of large pores and acne scaring, they will also help to clear up blackheads and oily/acne prone skin with continued use.
 The daily use of sunscreen is very important to prevent post inflammatory hyper pigmentation from becoming darker.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

acne and scars

 Chemical peels
Chemical peels are just basically SUPER exfoliators but unlike the exfoliators you use at home… The chemicals used in chemical peels are more advanced and harsher and…
When you do a chemical peel a lot more of the acne scarred skin is removed making room for new acne free skin to grow but chemical peels work best only with cases of minor acne scarring.


Microdermabrasion is almost like dermabrasion except that a lot less skin is removed and just like a chemical peel… Microdermabrasion should only be use for cases of minor acne scarring.

Skin Needling

how balding happens

Results with growth factor injections for hair loss