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Friday, August 17, 2012

Non surgical skin tightening and lifting using RF technology

The Technology
Radio Frequency is being heralded, in the medical world, as the panacea to skin rejuvenation treatments for the majority of those who are concerned about keeping the physical ageing process ostensibly at bay, without recourse to drastic surgical action.

It is one of the safest and least invasive, yet most effective, anti-aging treatment available, to people of all skin colours. Unlike IPL® (Intense Pulsed Light) and laser treatments, it is not dependent on light targeting chromophores such as melanin in the skin cells, and consequently does not carry any associated risks in terms of skin pigmentation. Light energy tends to scatter or absorb into the upper layers of the skin, making it difficult to deliver sufficient heat into the deeper layers without damaging the skin's surface. Lasers (and IPL®) therefore affect collagen in the upper dermis, improving fine lines, wrinkles and skin texture, while RF energy is able to penetrate deeper into the skin and affect the deeper dermis and subcutaneous layers, causing tightening and improvements to the underlying tissue structure, but with little change in skin texture.

Radiofrequency (RF) surgery has a lengthy history of use in oral, ophthalmic, plastic, and gynaecological surgery of over 70 years. Low frequency alternating currents are also used in physiotherapy for their ability to cause contractions in muscles. RF surgery traditionally utilizes a wave of electrons to cause frictional heating of tissues to incise, excise, ablate or coagulate the targeted tissue.

However more recent developments have rendered non-ablative RF energy to be the latest addition to the treatment options available for skin tightening and cellulite. It is possible to deliver RF energy to the deep dermis and sub-dermal layers of the skin, whilst protecting the epidermis. Heating in this area, without damaging the outer layers of skin, causes microscopic changes to the tissues and collagen contraction, with subsequent collagen remodelling over the ensuing months.
How it works
Compared to other skin tightening treatment, the major difference RF is that the epidermis or outer skin layer is not damaged in any way but the radiofrequency energy heats the deeper skin layers during the treatment. The body’s natural wound healing response then causes collagen changes in the skin with resultant skin tightening. A series of these treatments is usually performed.

RF is generally used therefore in 3 principle areas in cosmetic procedures:

1.    Tightening
Non specific heating of the dermis by RF will not only stimulate new collagen production but can shrink collagen fibres by up to one third. This minimises the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as the lines become tighter.

2.    Deeper lines and wrinkles
As RF can penetrate into the subcutaneous and deeper dermal layers, the heat produced in the targeted regions can result in the stimulation of the body’s natural collagen (in contrast, for example, to the injection of collagen derived synthetically or from animals). This, has a much longer lasting effect over a course of treatments (8 sessions), than the more short term effects of injected collagen from an alien substance. However, the immediate results from RF treatment are not as dramatic.

3.    Cellulite
Over the years many devices have been developed to reduce the effects of cellulite. Many of these have used a combination of a vacuum and rollers to aid circulation to the affected areas and to physically break down fat. However, it has recently been shown that RF can denature these affected areas.
Cellulite is visible when fat clusters in the dermis become distended and elastin fibres are rigid, causing dimpling at the surface. RF heating disrupts fat clusters and over time causes new ‘stretchy’ elastin fibres to be produced and results in a smoother skin surface.

To summarise therefore, RF is not a treatment for weight loss in overweight individuals. It is however suitable for the smaller pockets of trapped fat cells that can be found in cellulite, and it is very effective for long term reduction in wrinkles at the deeper level, in addition to providing some more immediate skin tightening at the superficial level.
RF is not legislated by the Care Quality Commission, as it is regarded as a relatively safe treatment to administer.
Tripolar RF is more safe and efficient
New novel system for treatments of cellulite and skin tightening using
Tri Polar technology for simultaneously heating deep and shallow layers of the skin without the need for active cooling.
Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Benefits
  • A non-invasive technique that can tighten facial or body skin
  • No surgery required
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Minimal risk of change in skin
  • May be used for all skin types
  • Rare downtime
Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Considerations
  • Non-surgical skin tightening cannot give the same results as a facelift or body tuck procedure.
  • These treatments are useful after a surgical procedure to improve skin quality
  • Multiple treatments are usually be needed

    What is the treatment like?

    The treatment is fairly relaxing and pain free.
    Areas that are commonly treated include the face, neck and décolletage for skin rejuvenation and the tackling of deeper lines and wrinkles than those which can be targeted using the principle of photothermolysis (ie light based technologies such as laser and IPL®). Areas that are prone to slack (rather than overweight) skin, such as the jaw line, and under eye area are often of particular concern. Likewise, those where lines usually form, such as the nasal labial folds running from the sides of the nose to the mouth, and the expression lines in between the brows, the sides of the eyes and upper cheeks, and the forehead.
    On the torso, treatments are often administered on the stomach area, particularly following childbirth or rapid weight loss. The loose skin under the upper inner arms can often benefit from the treatments. On the legs/thighs/buttocks it is usually cellulite that is targeted. The ideal temperature that we are aiming to heat the skin up to is 41-42 degrees centigrade. This is the optimum temperature to stimulate the production of collagen, without causing any tissue damage. The aesthetician uses an infra red device to take the skin temperature before the treatment. The aesthetician then marks out the areas to be treated and applies a cool conducting gel to the epidermis (skin surface) of about 2mm in thickness. This will bring the skin temperature down a couple of degrees or so; therefore the temperature is taken again, before the treatment commences. A small circular handpiece is gently rolled across the skin area to be treated until the ideal temperature is achieved. Once that temperature has been reached, the aesthetician moves on to the next small area to be treated, until the whole of the area has been raised to the level at which collagen production has been stimulated. The skin will feel increasingly warm in the treated area, but not usually uncomfortably so. It is important if there is any excessive warmth felt, to the point of discomfort, that the client informs the aesthetician who will stop and move on to another area. Clients do have varying degrees of sensitivity to the treatment depending on thickness of skin, skin condition and elasticity, age, and specific area (for example, the cheekbones and forehead are often more sensitive and reach temperature more quickly as they are less fleshy). If a client has a tendency to get hot quickly during exercise, then this could be reflected in their ability to reach a higher temperature more quickly than others, during the RF treatment. Clients with skin conditions such as rosacea or other sensitivities could also find that their temperature rises more quickly than those with naturally ‘cooler’ skin.

    Therefore treatment times do vary, but typically a full face, neck and décolletage session will take around 50 minutes including preparation; and a face only, about 30 minutes.
    Following the treatment proper, a hydrating serum is applied to the heated area.  This is a cosmeceutical serum, unable to be purchased ‘over the counter’ and is formulated with sodium hyaluronate. It is a dermal hydrator which holds 1000 times its molecular weight. It is easily accepted and recognised at the cellular level, allowing active ingredients to effectively penetrate the skin. This hydrating serum is then followed by the application of an antioxidant soothing serum. This calms sensitive skin and contains powerful plant extracts and copper to strengthen the skin and reduce redness and inflammation. Thirdly a moisturising cream is applied, which leaves a silky, refined texture, while penetrating deeply into the dermis to hydrate and stimulate collagen and elastin development. This cream is formulated with moisturisers, anti-aging plant extracts, and antioxidants.
    Finally, a high protection sun screen, protecting against both UVA and UVB rays, and with antioxidants and ingredients to help repair DNA, is applied to the skin. This contains zinc oxide which absorbs quickly without leaving a white residue on the skin. In addition to having a broad spectrum of coverage, protecting the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays, its antioxidant and DNA repair ingredients provide the skin with further protection. If the RF treatment is being performed during the day an optional application of the highest grade of mineral make up can be provided. However, if makeup is not required, then it is recommended to leave the serum and creams on the skin overnight.  
  How many treatments are required?

 This very much depends on the age and skin condition of the individual, and the areas being treated. In general we recommend a course of 6 facial treatments and 10-15 body treatments. Thereafter, occasional maintenance treatments are advised.

Non invasive fat reduction with cavitation technology

What is Cavitation Instant Fat Loss & what can it do for me?
Cavitation is body sculpting with no anesthesia, no scars, no discomfort, no down-time and presents a risk-free alternative to liposuction. The result is instant loss of fat cells
Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound field creates the bubbles in the liquid, which gradually grow, and implode at certain size. The energy in the form of heat (minor effect) and pressure wave (major effect) is released. As the membranes of fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue. The result is instant fat loss.

What Will I Feel During the Instant Fat Loss Treatment?

The treatment does not require anesthesia. Most of the clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable. There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise spreading inside your body, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the applicator. You may also experience a little warmth during the treatment. If it turns burning hot, immediately request some extra ultrasound gel to be applied.

Can I Expect Any Side Effects?

There is a slight possibility of mild side effects such as transient redness, excessive thirst immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water.Even though the studies have proven the treatment safe, the cavitation is not be used in clients with an acute illness, compromised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pace makers, or during pregnancy.

What Are the Expected Instant Fat Loss Treatment Results?

The cavitation treatment yields immediate and long lasting  results. Most of the clients experience 2 to 5 cm of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results

CT scan changes after cavitation treatment
 The Machine utilize a unique cavitation technology that allows for non-invasive removal of stubborn fat deposits that never seems to disappear no matter of your diet or how hard you work out. The most problematic body areas are: abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), buttocks, inner knees, upper arm, male breasts.
Ultrasonic cavitation uses 32-40 Khz focused ultrasound cavitation effect, to cause tons of microscopic air bubbles around lipocyte (fat cell) membranes with its resonant frequency, the bubbles will cause high pressure, and when the high pressure has reached lipocytes’ breaking point, the lipocytes membrane will break up instantly. The broken lipocytes will then be moved to the liver and safely metabolized out of the body.
The released fat is then eliminated gradually by the body in two days thanks to the normal process of energy production. The results which can be obtained are obvious after very few sessions( 4-6 treatments): accumulations of fat and cellulite are eliminated. The treatment is best suited for the average to moderately overweight people who have a healthy lifestyle and exercises regularly.
7. Recommndations for Successful Results
  • Drink at least 2.0 liters of water daily, especially the day before and the day of treatment.
  • Keep a balanced diet with regular exercise. After the treatment, exercise for at least 30min. A swift walk is recommended
  • .*The recommended number of sessions is 6-12 sessions, one session every four days is reccomended. Ask for the 6-12 session package program